Woman who ‘died’ of heart attack in A&E woke up 14 minutes later with a baby
A woman who was ‘clinically dead’ for 14 minutes woke up to discover she’d given birth to a baby girl.
Natasha Sokunbi had been 37 weeks pregnant when she began suffering from chest pains and had trouble breathing, so she called 111 and was advised to go to hospital
Arriving at the Royal Stoke University Hospital in a taxi, the Stafford woman collapsed in the waiting room of a cardiac arrest.
While efforts were made to resuscitate her doctors were also working on saving her unborn baby, with Natasha being rushed into surgery and her baby being born by emergency c-section four minutes later.
Hospital staff spent over half an hour resuscitating her before putting her into an induced coma. She then woke up the next day to discover that she’d given birth during her near-death experience, with her daughter being called Beau.

“My heart wasn’t beating when the doctors delivered Beau. I was basically dead when they pulled her out.” Natasha explained.
“One team of medics were delivering her via C-section while another team performed CPR on me. The next thing I remember was when I woke up in intensive care and my husband walked over to me with a photo of Beau and said ‘it’s a girl’.
“We hadn’t found out the sex so it was a complete surprise. I couldn’t see Beau straight away because I was still very weak and she was in the neonatal unit but I finally saw her a few days later.